We just had an election, and a new administration is coming into office. This happened four years ago, as well. It so happens that those two administrations are almost diametrically opposed. Their values and priorities are complete opposites. Things changed dramatically the last time they swapped. They will do so again this time around.
When a person accepts Christ, they also accept a dramatically different administration of their lives. The values and priorities that guide their choices are reversed. Almost everything Jesus taught about the kingdom of God is the opposite of what comes naturally to us. Many of these reverse policies are given in the Beatitudes and the rest of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5 through 7. Others are scattered throughout the rest of His teachings 1.
The Bible often uses the term “the world” to denote the default “administration”, the automatic human-nature way of doing things. It is so normal to us that we don’t recognize that it is really led by Satan, doing everything he can to keep us separated from God.
Opposing Policies
Here are some examples of policies promulgated by the “world administration” compared with those of the “Jesus administration”.
- The world says “Look out for number one.”
- Jesus says “Blessed are the poor in spirit, the gentle, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers.”
- The world says “Avoid pain and suffering.”
- Jesus says “Blessed are those that mourn, and those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.”
- The world says “Follow the rules, but look for loopholes. It will be OK, as long as you don’t get caught.”
- Jesus says “Don’t just follow the letter, follow the spirit of the rules. Go beyond what’s written to do what’s right.”
- The world says “Look good. Make a good impression.”
- Jesus says “Be good even when no one is looking.”
- The world says “Supply is limited. Scramble to get ahead and make sure you get your share.”
- Jesus says “Don’t worry. Trust that God will take care of you.”
- The world says “Money means success. Make as much as you can, any way you can.”
- Jesus says “Money is OK, but not as important as your relationship with God.”
- The world says “Here’s a checklist. If you do all these things, then you’ll be considered good.”
- Jesus says “Follow me, and let my goodness cover your badness.”
- The world says “Strong leaders make others do what they want.”
- Jesus says “Whoever would be first, be the servant of the rest.”
- The world says “Defend yourself. Don’t let anyone get away with disrespecting you.”
- Jesus says “Turn the other cheek. Go a second mile. If someone sues for your shirt, give them your coat also.”
- The world says “Your enemies are hateful. It’s OK to hate them.”
- Jesus says “Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who mistreat you.”
- The world says “Fight for your life. Death is the ultimate defeat and despair.”
- Jesus says “Giving up your life for My sake will save it.”
Opposing Views of Who’s in Charge
How can Jesus expect us to do everything so upside-down? His message is that we are already upside-down. He’s teaching us how to change back to rightside-up! He is returning us to what God originally intended, what we were created to be.
The world’s administration behaves as if God is not there. We are on our own. If we don’t take care of ourselves, no one will. There is no over-arching authority, so we can make, break, bend, and choose our own rules however we want.
If the world is correct, then Jesus is wrong. We need to continue with the law-of-the-jungle, dog-eat-dog scramble through life, and then it will end. Period.
Jesus’ administration behaves as if God is here. He is the Authority whose rules don’t break; we break ourselves against them. He is watching over us and will supply our needs. He provides our purpose and value; we don’t have to fight for dignity and respect. He sees injustice, and will enforce accountability for every speck of it; that’s His job, not ours.
If Jesus is correct, then our usual battles are unnecessary. We can relax, enjoy God, and look forward to the future.
Opposing Ways to Comply
This administration that Jesus inaugurated is at once both easier and harder to live under than the world’s administration.
It’s easier because the weight is off of our shoulders. We don’t have to fight; we can stand down. We aren’t required to live up to anything or make anything happen. There is no giant scorecard being kept for whether we are doing everything we are supposed to. We don’t have to be afraid: We’re not alone; Someone bigger and stronger is holding on to us.
It’s harder because it’s more open-ended. We can’t just check off boxes on the scorecard and then go on about our business. We have to stay in touch, communicating with God to follow Him as He guides us from moment to moment. We can expect resistance from the remnants of the “world” administration, because Satan is definitely not happy at being deposed. There’s no end game, not until we reach Heaven. We will always be changing and growing, never “finished”. What God is building us toward is bigger than we can imagine.
Only One Administration is True and Lasting
Jesus lived out the policies of His administration. Millions of followers over centuries have testified to the benefits of those policies, counter-intuitive though they are. He has provided mountains of evidence that His administration is the real, eternal one. The world will someday be kicked out of office, never to return.
Why would anyone want to live under a failed, dying administration when something so much better is available?
Footnotes and Scripture References
- See Mark 9:33-35 and John 13:12-15 about leadership, Mark 8:35 about saving or losing life, and John 3:16-21 about righteousness through Jesus instead of our own effort.