How would what Lazarus experienced affect his perspective on the events that followed?
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These articles are specialty essays specific to Easter.
How would what Lazarus experienced affect his perspective on the events that followed?
Christian, tell me why do you celebrate Palm Sunday the week before Easter? What does it mean?
What might it have been like to be a Roman soldier witnessing the events of that first Easter weekend?
This Easter, imagine the difference between that Friday afternoon and that Sunday morning! The difference between “I am a sinner” and “Jesus saved me” is just as enormous.
Christian, tell me why do you call Jesus the “Lamb of God”?
This is a story I wrote for Easter, many years ago. It was fun thinking from the different perspective. It may be my favorite of everything I’ve written.
How would what Lazarus experienced affect his perspective on the events that followed?
Christian, tell me why do you celebrate Palm Sunday the week before Easter? What does it mean?
What might it have been like to be a Roman soldier witnessing the events of that first Easter weekend?
This Easter, imagine the difference between that Friday afternoon and that Sunday morning! The difference between “I am a sinner” and “Jesus saved me” is just as enormous.
Christian, tell me why do you call Jesus the “Lamb of God”?
This is a story I wrote for Easter, many years ago. It was fun thinking from the different perspective. It may be my favorite of everything I’ve written.
In fact, God loves you SO much that Jesus Christ, God Himself, died for you.
He’s waiting eagerly for you to accept His free gift of life with Him.
But He won’t force you; it’s your decision to make.
What is your choice?