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Tag: Evidence for Belief

These articles are what is sometimes called “Apologetics”. This doesn’t mean “apology”. The root word is more like “defense”, giving evidence for the Christian faith.

God Is

Christian, tell me why do you believe that God exists? Don’t quote the Bible; give real evidence.

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Christian, tell me why do you think that Jesus is the Messiah? What does “Messiah” mean, anyway?

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The Bible, God’s Word

Christian, tell me why do you believe that the Bible is God’s word? Wasn’t it written by men just like any other book? Didn’t humans make the choice of which writings were and were not “Scripture”?

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God Is

Christian, tell me why do you believe that God exists? Don’t quote the Bible; give real evidence.

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Christian, tell me why do you think that Jesus is the Messiah? What does “Messiah” mean, anyway?

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Resurrection: Fact

Christian, tell me why do you believe in the resurrection? Why do you accept such an un-natural event as an historical fact?

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The Bible, God’s Word

Christian, tell me why do you believe that the Bible is God’s word? Wasn’t it written by men just like any other book? Didn’t humans make the choice of which writings were and were not “Scripture”?

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