Christian, tell me why do you care so much about “evangelism”? Why do you insist that your way is the only way? Why can’t you live and let live?
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This list contains the majority of articles on this site. They are written in the question-and-answer format of “Christian, tell me why….” answered by my reasoning of “Because”.
Christian, tell me why do you care so much about “evangelism”? Why do you insist that your way is the only way? Why can’t you live and let live?
Christian, tell me why do you care so much about “evangelism”? Why do you insist that your way is the only way? Why can’t you live and let live?
In fact, God loves you SO much that Jesus Christ, God Himself, died for you.
He’s waiting eagerly for you to accept His free gift of life with Him.
But He won’t force you; it’s your decision to make.
What is your choice?