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Quick List

This is a condensed list of all articles.  Select sort sequence: Date (new to old) or Title.


Consuming Fire

Christian, tell me why does the Bible describe God as “a consuming fire”? You say that God is love, but that doesn’t sound very loving!

God’s Way

Christian, tell me why does God do things so differently than what we want or expect?

God’s Perfect Love

Christian, tell me why do you say that God loves even the worst murdering tyrants of history? How can a good God love someone like them…or someone like me?


Christian, tell me why do you say that our identity comes from God?

A Tale of Two Administrations

Christian, tell me why did Jesus say so many counter-intuitive things like “Love your enemies”? That’s ridiculous!

Eye of a Needle

Christian, tell me why did Jesus say that it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven? That makes no sense!

Fix Your Focus

Christian, tell me why do folks look at the same events but have opposite interpretations of them? If something is true, isn’t it true all the time?

Looking Back, Looking Forward

New Year’s Day is a good opportunity to evaluate the past year, and its effect on us. It is also a chance to decide how we want to approach the coming year so that we grow toward the goal of becoming the person God designed us to be.

Avoiding the After-Christmas Letdown

There’s often a sense of loss once the Christmas holiday rush is over. But there doesn’t have to be a letdown in the Christmas joy.

The Generation Who Sees the End

Christian, tell me why did Jesus say that His listeners would see the end of time? Obviously, they didn’t! Did He lie, or was He wrong?

Cursed Fig Tree

Christian, tell me why did Jesus curse an innocent fig tree just for not having fruit when it wasn’t in season? That seems like a petty tantrum!

Narrow vs. Wide Way

Christian, tell me why did Jesus talk about a “narrow way” and a “wide way”? What did He mean?

Give Thanks to God

Don’t let family, food, and football crowd out the true thanksgiving that God deserves.

Why Bother?

Christian, tell me why do you bother to pray? Think of all the times that you haven’t been answered, like when you ask for healing but the person dies anyway. What happened to “Ask, and you shall receive”?

Armor of God

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “armor of God”? Do you think you are a medieval knight headed off to battle or something?

Eternal Life Starts Now

Christian, tell me why do you talk about eternal life when life right now is so messed up? I wouldn’t want this to last forever!

The God Who Sees

Christian, tell me why is God called “the God Who Sees”? What is special about seeing?

Evil Spirit from the Lord?

Christian, tell me why does the Bible say that God sends evil spirits? You say that God is good, so how could He do such a thing?

Pearls Before Swine

Christian, tell me why did Jesus talk about throwing “pearls before swine”? What are the pearls, and who are the swine?

Jesus’ Yoke

Christian, tell me why does Jesus talk about his “yoke”? What does He mean?


Christian, tell me why do you say that God cares for outcasts as much as He does for the most religious people?

Wrath of God

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “wrath” of God? Why is He always so angry?

God Alone

Christian, tell me why is God sometimes called the “Hound of Heaven”? What does a hound dog have to do with God?

Predestined, Elect, Chosen, or Hardened?

Christian, tell me why do you say that you were predestined to be one of the elect, special chosen ones? That seems awfully arrogant. It also makes it seem like no one has a real choice whether to become a
Christian or not.

God of the Ark

Christian, tell me why was the Ark of the Covenant important? What was it exactly, and what was special about it?


Christian, tell me why do you say that you are “called”? Called what?

Friend, Not Fussbudget

Christian, tell me why do you think of God as a friend? How can a sinner be friends with the Almighty?

Because He Loves Us

God loves us so much that He gives us veto power over something He wants more than anything else: Us!

Why the Cross?

Christian, tell me why is the cross symbol so important to you? I know that Jesus was crucified, but why turn the cross into an icon?

Foot Washing

Christian, tell me why do you talk about washing your feet? That’s a little digusting!



Feasts of Jesus

Christian, tell me why do you see Jesus in the Jewish annual festivals? They were started hundreds of years before He lived!

The Good Samaritan

Christian, why do we call someone who does a good deed a “Good Samaritan”? Where does the term come from?

Gifts of the Spirit

Christian, tell me why do you talk about “spiritual gifts” or “gifts of the Spirit”? What kind of gifts do you mean?

Sin: Missing the Mark

Christian, tell me why do you keep saying that people are all sinners? Sure, there are plenty of sins, but not everyone commits them.

Delight with God

Christian, tell me why do you say that God “delights” in you? Or that you delight in Him? Religion is usually associated with rules, not with delight!

Christianity’s Jewish Heritage

Christian, tell me why do you appropriate all of the Old Testament promises to Israel as applying to you also? You’re not Jewish!

Shades of Belief

Christian, tell me why do you insist that belief in Jesus is so important? Some people don’t believe in God; others believe in God but not Jesus. What difference does it make?


Christian, tell me why do you tell scare stories about Hell? I don’t appreciate being manipulated into buying your “fire insurance”!


Christian, tell me why do you look forward to Heaven, anyway? I’m not particularly interested in living in the clouds, playing a harp, or sitting in an endless church service singing worship songs forever.

Great Commission

Christian, tell me why do you say that you have a “Great Commission” to spread Christianity? Isn’t it arrogant to try to force everyone else to believe like you do?

God Became Man

Christian, tell me why do you think it’s important that God became man? That’s an old fairy tale: The gods in mythology became human all the time.


How would what Lazarus experienced affect his perspective on the events that followed?

Palm Sunday

Christian, tell me why do you celebrate Palm Sunday the week before Easter? What does it mean?

Good Person? Wrong Answer!

Christian, tell me why do you think that we have to be Christian in order to be good people? Lots of non-Christians are good (and some Christians aren’t!)


Christian, tell me why are you so confident about your hope in Christ? The things we hope for don’t always come to pass, after all!

Fear of God

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “fear of God”? Why do you worship if you’re afraid of him?

Jesus’ Amazing Courage

Christian, tell me why do you say that Jesus was brave? That’s not a description I hear very often.

The Soul Goes On

Christian, tell me why do you believe that anything about us persists after we die?

God Knows

It’s easy to forget just how omniscient God really is.

Ten Commandments

Christian, tell me why are the Ten Commandments so important?

A New Day

Christian, tell me why do you say that God makes things new?

Three Rules for a Good Life

Christian, tell me why do you try to follow God’s rules? Don’t they take all the fun out of life?

Useful vs. Usable

Christian, tell me why do you say that someone has been “used by God”? What does it take to be considered useful to Him?

Ascension and Return

Christian, tell me why do you say that Jesus “ascended”? What do you mean by that?

Son of Man

Christian, tell me why did Jesus refer to himself as the “Son of Man”? Was he claiming to be simply a man?

Give Thanks in Everything

Christian, why do you say to “give thanks in everything?” There are plenty of things that I don’t feel thankful about!

God is Great, God is Good

Christian, tell me why do you teach your children to pray “God is great, God is good”? Looking at the chaos in the world, it doesn’t seem like the work of a great, good God.

Why Anti-Semitism?

Christian, tell me why do people hate the Jews so much? What is your explanation of the causes of anti-Semitism?

Mustard-Seed Faith

Christian, tell me why do you think that your faith in God is sufficient? How do you know that you are believing hard enough?

Conflict vs. Love

Christian, tell me why do some Christians insist on doing church the same old way, while others are always wanting things to be done differently?

Light of the World

Christian, tell me why do you call Jesus “the Light of the World”? What does that mean?

Bread of Life

Christian, tell me why is Jesus referred to as the “Bread of Life”?

Living Water

Christian, tell me why did Jesus say He was the source of “Living Water”? What is meant by that?

Reverse Contamination

Christian, tell me why does the Bible talk about “clean” vs. “unclean”? And what does Jesus have to do with it?


The Conquest of Canaan


Christian, tell me why do you use the term “Pharisee” as derogatory? What does it mean?

Hands and Feet

Christian, tell me why do you call yourself the “hands and feet” of Christ? What do you mean by that?

To Drink or Not to Drink

Christian, tell me why do some Christians say that drinking is wrong, while others are OK with it?


Christian, tell me why do you believe that demons exist? How are they relevant to our lives today?


Christian, tell me why do you believe that angels exist? How are they relevant to our lives today?

High Priest

Christian, tell me why do you say that Jesus is a “High Priest”? I could understand “prophet” maybe. But “priest”?

So Much More

Christian, tell me why do you think that Christianity is so much more than all of the world’s other religions?

Before and After

Christian, tell me why is the Bible divided into an “Old” vs. a “New” testament? What is the difference between the two?


Christian, tell me why are you so self-righteous? What makes you think that you’re better than anyone else?


Christian, tell me why do you sing something called a “Doxology”? What is that?

Blessed Nation?

America has been greatly blessed. Will it continue to be?

Religion vs. Relationship

Christian, tell me why is Christianity different from any other religion? They all are just sets of rules and regulations to follow in order to be considered “acceptable”. What makes your to-do list any better than anyone else’s?

Fear Not

Christian, tell me why does the Bible say we shouldn’t be afraid? The world is full of scary things!

Rock of Ages

Christian, tell me why do you refer to God as a rock? You sing songs like “Rock of Ages” and “On Christ, the Solid Rock”. What do you mean by those?

Watch Your Words!

Christian, tell me why does the Bible harp on speech codes so much? Why does it matter what we simply SAY, when so many are ACTING so badly and getting away with it?

Just Passing Through

Christian, tell me why doesn’t life get you down as much as it does other people? How do you face problems without being crushed by them?

Jesus: God AND Man

Christian, tell me why do you say that Jesus is both God and Man? Which is it? Why does it matter?

Access to God, a History

Christian, tell me why do you say both that we are separated from God but also that He wants a relationship with us? You contradict yourself!

Faith and Politics

Christian, tell me why do you try to make laws that force everyone else to live the way that you think they should? Haven’t you heard of separation of church and state?


Christian, tell me why do you consider “being a Christian” to be the most significant thing about you? Don’t you care about who you are as a person?

Simply Obey

Christian, tell me why should I do as God says? What if He asks me to do something weird?


Remember! Looking Back, Looking Forward

A Special Weekend

What might it have been like to be a Roman soldier witnessing the events of that first Easter weekend?


Wandering in the Wilderness

Love Your Enemies

Christian, tell me why didn’t Jesus hate the people who rejected and crucified him? If he is God, he should have just hurled lightning bolts and destroyed them!

Jesus’ Enemies

Christian, tell me why did people want to kill Jesus? He was a peaceful man who taught others to be loving and kind. What was wrong with that?


From Slaves in Egypt to God’s Chosen People


Christian, tell me why are you so sure that you are going to Heaven? What makes you think that you are good enough to be right with God?

In Christ

Christian, tell me why do you say that you are “in Christ”? What does that mean?

God’s Spirit, in Me

Christian, tell me why do you say that you have God’s Spirit “in” you? What does that mean? Is it anything like demon possession? I sure wouldn’t want that!

Keep the Faith

Christian, tell me why does the Bible say opposite things, that Jesus gives eternal life but that it is possible to then lose it?

A Terrifying God

Christian, tell me why does Hebrews 10 say that “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”?

Falling Away

Christian, tell me why does Hebrews 6 say that it is impossible for a fallen Christian to repent?

Entering God’s Rest

Christian, tell me why does Hebrews 4 threaten that Christians may not enter Heaven, God’s “rest”, after all?


Christian, tell me why do you call your leaders “deacons”? Why do some churches not allow women to be deacons, but others do?


Christian, tell me why are some Bible folks called “Apostles”? What does that mean?

Cleaning All The Corners

Christian, tell me why do you use big words like “justification” and “sanctification”. What do they even mean? Why can’t you speak in normal language?!

You Are Special!

It seems that so much of the way people behave stems from a desire to feel significant. That’s not necessary: they are already infinitely valuable to God.

Focus on God

Christian, tell me why aren’t you more different from non-believers? If God is so important to you, why aren’t you focussed on Him constantly?

We Three Kings

I happened to really listen to the words of this Christmas carol on the radio. I was surprised at them, so I looked them up for more details.

Thee, Thou, and Thy — Oh, My!

Christian, tell me why does the Bible talk in such formal, old-fashioned language? What’s with all the “thee’s” and “thou’s”?

Music in Worship

Christian, tell me why do some church groups sing new “praise choruses” while other sing old-fashioned hymns? Why do some use organ and piano accompaniment, others use drums and guitars, and others use none at all? What are the Bible’s instructions?

Will of God

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “will” of God? Why do you pray “Thy will be done”, or say “God willing…”?

In Jesus’ Name

Christian, tell me why do you always end your prayers with “in Jesus’ name”?

Promised Land

Christian, tell me why do you talk and sing about “crossing the river” to the “Promised Land”?

Adam’s First Day

We grow up surrounded by God’s creation. Adam didn’t: As far as the Bible says, he was created already adult. How might he have reacted when awakening to so much beauty and diversity? What was his relationship with God like?

Saved, Savior, Salvation

Christian, tell me why do you refer to Jesus as your “Savior” and ask people whether they are “saved”? Saved from what?

Worship, Glorify, Enjoy

Christian, tell me why do you say that you “worship” or “glorify” God? What do you mean by that?

Holy God, Holy People

Christian, tell me why do you say that God is “holy”? What do you mean by that?

Missing Papaw

I wrote this over forty years ago, when my grandfather passed away. It was my first experience of death that close to me. At first, it seemed a bit personal to post on this site. But I decided that it’s real, and someone out there may identify with the feelings.

When Church Hurts

Christian, tell me why should I care about God when Christians behave so badly?


Christian, tell me why do you think that Sunday should be a special day? Why treat one day different from the others?


Christian, tell me why do you refer to Jesus as a “cornerstone”?


Christian, tell me why do you talk about “atonement”? That’s an awfully church-y word. What does it mean?


Christian, tell me why do you use that strange word “tabernacle”? It’s just a church building like any other, isn’t it?


Christian, tell me why do you expect anyone to have blind faith in something they can’t see? Why follow a fairy tale?


Christian, tell me why do you talk about “covenants”? What does that mean, and why is it important to you?

Image of God

Christian, tell me why do you say that people are created “in the image of God”?


Christian, tell me why do you talk about “redemption” or “being redeemed” or Jesus as your “Redeemer”? What do you mean by the word “redeem”?

God Is

Christian, tell me why do you believe that God exists? Don’t quote the Bible; give real evidence.

Bloodthirsty God?

Christian, tell me why do you worship such a bloodthirsty God, who is always sending fire and brimstone onto anyone who offends him?

Intimacy of God

Christian, tell me why do you think that God is close to us? You talk about how big and holy and majestic He is. Isn’t it contradicting yourself to say that He is also close by each individual person?

Sovereignty of God

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “sovereignty” of God? What does that mean?

Salt and Light

Christian, tell me why do you call yourself “salt” or “light”? What is meant by that?

Still A Great Country

This Independence Day, let’s all thank God for our country and its Constitution. Let’s also commit to living within that framework that has made the United States a leader in freedom and innovation for 246 years.

Blessings and Beatitudes

Christian, tell me why do you talk about God’s “blessings”? What does it mean to be blessed?

Judgment, Hell, and Heaven

Christian, tell me why do you insist on talking about some big scary Judgment Day? We can’t know what will happen, so as long as we sincerely try, we should be OK, shouldn’t we? And why keeping “harping” on heaven-in-the-clouds-with-angels, or shouting about fire and brimstone in hell?

Second Coming and Millennium

Christian, tell me why do you expect a Second Coming of Jesus? It’s been over 2000 years. Get over it: He’s like all the other legends and never coming back!

Tribulation: Armageddon

Christian, tell me why does the word “Armageddon” convey such disaster? What is it, really?

Tribulation: Anti-Christ and Babylon

Christian, tell me why do you talk about someone called the “Anti-Christ”? Who is this big, bad person we’re supposed to be afraid of? And what’s up with Babylon? Why is that ancient empire coming up again?

Tribulation: Warnings and Witnesses

Christian, tell me why do you talk about a coming time of “Tribulation”? Doesn’t that mean “trouble”? Why anticipate such a thing?


Christian, tell me why do you talk about something called “Rapture”? What does that mean?

End Times

Christian, tell me why do you talk about all of those “End Times” topics? What do you mean by “Rapture”, “Tribulation”, or “Millenium”? What makes you think such things are real, or matter in the real world?

Fight Satan, Not People

Christian, tell me why do you sing about “Onward, Christian Soldiers” and talk about the “armor of God”? Why be so militant?


Christian, tell me why do you believe that God is acting in human history? There are always wars and conflicts, and the winners aren’t always the good guys. Who says that God has anything to do with it?

Names of God

Christian, tell me why is God called by so many names? God, Father, Lord, lots of different Hebrew words. Why not pick one and stick with it?

Finding Life’s Meaning

Christian, tell me why is the book of Ecclesiastes even in the Bible? It seems negative and fatalistic and weird. What’s up?

Jealous God

Christian, tell me why does the Bible say that God is “jealous”? Isn’t jealousy a bad thing?


Christian, tell me why are Jesus’ followers usually called “Christian” but sometimes called “disciple”? What does “disciple” mean?

Just Enough

Christian, tell me why do you say that we shouldn’t worry about money? Why shouldn’t I do my best to get ahead?

Knowledge of Good and Evil

Christian, tell me why was it so bad for Adam and Eve to eat a piece of fruit? It hardly seems to warrant getting kicked out and sentenced to death!

From Despair to Joy

This Easter, imagine the difference between that Friday afternoon and that Sunday morning! The difference between “I am a sinner” and “Jesus saved me” is just as enormous.


Christian, tell me why do you think that Jesus is the Messiah? What does “Messiah” mean, anyway?

Choose Home

Christian, tell me why you are always talking about “Eternity”?

Power in the Blood

Christian, tell me why do you talk so much about blood? That’s gruesome!


Christian, tell me why do you believe that your view of things is better than anyone else’s?

Bride of Christ

Christian, tell me why do you refer to the church as the “Bride of Christ”? Is that any relation to Bride of Frankenstein? !!

Adopted Child of God

Christian, tell me why do you call yourself a “child of God”? What makes you so special?


Christian, tell me why I should just forgive anyone who hurts me? I can’t pretend it didn’t happen. Isn’t it evil to ignore wrong-doing? What about justice?

Confession and Repentance

Christian, tell me why do you say that everyone must “confess” and “repent” of their sins? What gives you the right to be so judgmental?

Why Pray?

Christian, tell me why bother praying? God already knows what He’s planning to do. How would my prayer change that, and why would I want to?

God’s Not Fair

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “grace of God”? What does that mean?

Kingdom of God

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “Kingdom of God”? I don’t see any palaces or thrones being built!

The Church, the Body of Christ

Christian, tell me why do you insist on going to church? I can meet God anywhere, like by myself in the woods or when watching a sunset, can’t I?

The Jews, God’s Chosen People

Christian, tell me why do you say that the Jews are “chosen” by God? What makes them so special? Why are they always at the center of so much conflict?

Good Shepherd

Christian, tell me why do you call Jesus “the Good Shepherd”?

Lamb of God

Christian, tell me why do you call Jesus the “Lamb of God”?


Christian, tell me why is Christmas so important to you?

Born Again

Christian, tell me why do you say that you are “born again” and have become a “new creature”? What on earth does that even mean?

Jesus, God’s Word

Christian, tell me why do you refer to Jesus as the “Word” of God?

Lost and Found

Christian, tell me why do you say that non-Christians are “lost”?

A Day of Thanksgiving

For this Thanksgiving 2021 post, I decided to go through my day listing things for which to be thankful. It was a joyous exercise, one that could have gone on for much longer.

Husbands and Wives

Christian, tell me why are wives supposed to submit or “be subject” to their husbands? Why aren’t they equal?

Women in the Church

Christian, tell me why the Bible says for women to be silent, wear their hair long, cover their hair, and not teach or have authority over men?

Jesus, Only Jesus

Christian, tell me why you are so insistent on Jesus as the only answer? There is always more than one route to a destination!

Dress Code

Christian, tell me why do you expect people to dress up for church in their “Sunday best”? You’re acting like a snob!


Christian, tell me why do you respect Jesus’ words more than any of the world’s other great teachers?


Christian, tell me why do you do that silly dunking-in-water thing?

Tithes and Offerings

Christian, tell me why churches are always talking about money? Are they just greedy, or do they expect people to buy their way into favor with God?

Why Bad Things Happen

Christian, tell me why a “good” God allows so many bad things to happen?

A Day of Thanksgiving

For this Thanksgiving 2021 post, I decided to go through my day listing things for which to be thankful. It was a joyous exercise, one that could have gone on for much longer.

A New Day

Christian, tell me why do you say that God makes things new?

A Special Weekend

What might it have been like to be a Roman soldier witnessing the events of that first Easter weekend?

A Tale of Two Administrations

Christian, tell me why did Jesus say so many counter-intuitive things like “Love your enemies”? That’s ridiculous!

A Terrifying God

Christian, tell me why does Hebrews 10 say that “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”?

Access to God, a History

Christian, tell me why do you say both that we are separated from God but also that He wants a relationship with us? You contradict yourself!

Adam’s First Day

We grow up surrounded by God’s creation. Adam didn’t: As far as the Bible says, he was created already adult. How might he have reacted when awakening to so much beauty and diversity? What was his relationship with God like?

Adopted Child of God

Christian, tell me why do you call yourself a “child of God”? What makes you so special?


Christian, tell me why do you believe that angels exist? How are they relevant to our lives today?


Christian, tell me why are some Bible folks called “Apostles”? What does that mean?

Armor of God

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “armor of God”? Do you think you are a medieval knight headed off to battle or something?

Ascension and Return

Christian, tell me why do you say that Jesus “ascended”? What do you mean by that?


Christian, tell me why are you so sure that you are going to Heaven? What makes you think that you are good enough to be right with God?


Christian, tell me why do you talk about “atonement”? That’s an awfully church-y word. What does it mean?


Christian, tell me why do you respect Jesus’ words more than any of the world’s other great teachers?

Avoiding the After-Christmas Letdown

There’s often a sense of loss once the Christmas holiday rush is over. But there doesn’t have to be a letdown in the Christmas joy.


Christian, tell me why do you do that silly dunking-in-water thing?

Because He Loves Us

God loves us so much that He gives us veto power over something He wants more than anything else: Us!

Before and After

Christian, tell me why is the Bible divided into an “Old” vs. a “New” testament? What is the difference between the two?

Blessed Nation?

America has been greatly blessed. Will it continue to be?

Blessings and Beatitudes

Christian, tell me why do you talk about God’s “blessings”? What does it mean to be blessed?

Bloodthirsty God?

Christian, tell me why do you worship such a bloodthirsty God, who is always sending fire and brimstone onto anyone who offends him?

Born Again

Christian, tell me why do you say that you are “born again” and have become a “new creature”? What on earth does that even mean?

Bread of Life

Christian, tell me why is Jesus referred to as the “Bread of Life”?

Bride of Christ

Christian, tell me why do you refer to the church as the “Bride of Christ”? Is that any relation to Bride of Frankenstein? !!


Christian, tell me why do you say that you are “called”? Called what?


Christian, tell me why God even bothers to give us a choice? Why not create us incapable of disobedience? Why not make Himself so obvious that everyone would automatically obey? And why, if He gives a choice, does He make it so terrible to choose incorrectly?

Choose Home

Christian, tell me why you are always talking about “Eternity”?

Christianity’s Jewish Heritage

Christian, tell me why do you appropriate all of the Old Testament promises to Israel as applying to you also? You’re not Jewish!

Cleaning All The Corners

Christian, tell me why do you use big words like “justification” and “sanctification”. What do they even mean? Why can’t you speak in normal language?!

Confession and Repentance

Christian, tell me why do you say that everyone must “confess” and “repent” of their sins? What gives you the right to be so judgmental?

Conflict vs. Love

Christian, tell me why do some Christians insist on doing church the same old way, while others are always wanting things to be done differently?

Consuming Fire

Christian, tell me why does the Bible describe God as “a consuming fire”? You say that God is love, but that doesn’t sound very loving!


Christian, tell me why do you refer to Jesus as a “cornerstone”?


Christian, tell me why do you talk about “covenants”? What does that mean, and why is it important to you?

Cursed Fig Tree

Christian, tell me why did Jesus curse an innocent fig tree just for not having fruit when it wasn’t in season? That seems like a petty tantrum!


Christian, tell me why do you call your leaders “deacons”? Why do some churches not allow women to be deacons, but others do?

Delight with God

Christian, tell me why do you say that God “delights” in you? Or that you delight in Him? Religion is usually associated with rules, not with delight!


Christian, tell me why do you believe that demons exist? How are they relevant to our lives today?


Remember! Looking Back, Looking Forward


Christian, tell me why are Jesus’ followers usually called “Christian” but sometimes called “disciple”? What does “disciple” mean?


Christian, tell me why do you sing something called a “Doxology”? What is that?

Dress Code

Christian, tell me why do you expect people to dress up for church in their “Sunday best”? You’re acting like a snob!


Christian, tell me why is Christmas so important to you?

End Times

Christian, tell me why do you talk about all of those “End Times” topics? What do you mean by “Rapture”, “Tribulation”, or “Millenium”? What makes you think such things are real, or matter in the real world?

Entering God’s Rest

Christian, tell me why does Hebrews 4 threaten that Christians may not enter Heaven, God’s “rest”, after all?

Eternal Life Starts Now

Christian, tell me why do you talk about eternal life when life right now is so messed up? I wouldn’t want this to last forever!


Christian, tell me why do you care so much about “evangelism”? Why do you insist that your way is the only way? Why can’t you live and let live?

Evil Spirit from the Lord?

Christian, tell me why does the Bible say that God sends evil spirits? You say that God is good, so how could He do such a thing?


Christian, tell me why you disagree with evolution? Why do you see it as a threat?


From Slaves in Egypt to God’s Chosen People

Eye of a Needle

Christian, tell me why did Jesus say that it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven? That makes no sense!


Christian, tell me why do you expect anyone to have blind faith in something they can’t see? Why follow a fairy tale?

Faith and Politics

Christian, tell me why do you try to make laws that force everyone else to live the way that you think they should? Haven’t you heard of separation of church and state?

Falling Away

Christian, tell me why does Hebrews 6 say that it is impossible for a fallen Christian to repent?

Fear Not

Christian, tell me why does the Bible say we shouldn’t be afraid? The world is full of scary things!

Fear of God

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “fear of God”? Why do you worship if you’re afraid of him?

Feasts of Jesus

Christian, tell me why do you see Jesus in the Jewish annual festivals? They were started hundreds of years before He lived!

Fight Satan, Not People

Christian, tell me why do you sing about “Onward, Christian Soldiers” and talk about the “armor of God”? Why be so militant?

Finding Life’s Meaning

Christian, tell me why is the book of Ecclesiastes even in the Bible? It seems negative and fatalistic and weird. What’s up?

Fix Your Focus

Christian, tell me why do folks look at the same events but have opposite interpretations of them? If something is true, isn’t it true all the time?

Focus on God

Christian, tell me why aren’t you more different from non-believers? If God is so important to you, why aren’t you focussed on Him constantly?

Following the Rules

Christian, tell me why do you follow so many rules and restrictions? Why do you jump through so many hoops to please God?

Foot Washing

Christian, tell me why do you talk about washing your feet? That’s a little digusting!


Christian, tell me why I should just forgive anyone who hurts me? I can’t pretend it didn’t happen. Isn’t it evil to ignore wrong-doing? What about justice?


Christian, tell me why do you consider “being a Christian” to be the most significant thing about you? Don’t you care about who you are as a person?

Friend, Not Fussbudget

Christian, tell me why do you think of God as a friend? How can a sinner be friends with the Almighty?

From Despair to Joy

This Easter, imagine the difference between that Friday afternoon and that Sunday morning! The difference between “I am a sinner” and “Jesus saved me” is just as enormous.

Gifts of the Spirit

Christian, tell me why do you talk about “spiritual gifts” or “gifts of the Spirit”? What kind of gifts do you mean?

Give Thanks in Everything

Christian, why do you say to “give thanks in everything?” There are plenty of things that I don’t feel thankful about!

Give Thanks to God

Don’t let family, food, and football crowd out the true thanksgiving that God deserves.

God Alone

Christian, tell me why is God sometimes called the “Hound of Heaven”? What does a hound dog have to do with God?

God Became Man

Christian, tell me why do you think it’s important that God became man? That’s an old fairy tale: The gods in mythology became human all the time.

God Is

Christian, tell me why do you believe that God exists? Don’t quote the Bible; give real evidence.

God is Great, God is Good

Christian, tell me why do you teach your children to pray “God is great, God is good”? Looking at the chaos in the world, it doesn’t seem like the work of a great, good God.

God Knows

It’s easy to forget just how omniscient God really is.

God of the Ark

Christian, tell me why was the Ark of the Covenant important? What was it exactly, and what was special about it?

God’s Not Fair

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “grace of God”? What does that mean?

God’s Perfect Love

Christian, tell me why do you say that God loves even the worst murdering tyrants of history? How can a good God love someone like them…or someone like me?

God’s Spirit, in Me

Christian, tell me why do you say that you have God’s Spirit “in” you? What does that mean? Is it anything like demon possession? I sure wouldn’t want that!

God’s Way

Christian, tell me why does God do things so differently than what we want or expect?

Good Person? Wrong Answer!

Christian, tell me why do you think that we have to be Christian in order to be good people? Lots of non-Christians are good (and some Christians aren’t!)

Good Shepherd

Christian, tell me why do you call Jesus “the Good Shepherd”?

Great Commission

Christian, tell me why do you say that you have a “Great Commission” to spread Christianity? Isn’t it arrogant to try to force everyone else to believe like you do?

Hands and Feet

Christian, tell me why do you call yourself the “hands and feet” of Christ? What do you mean by that?


Christian, tell me why do you look forward to Heaven, anyway? I’m not particularly interested in living in the clouds, playing a harp, or sitting in an endless church service singing worship songs forever.


Christian, tell me why do you tell scare stories about Hell? I don’t appreciate being manipulated into buying your “fire insurance”!

High Priest

Christian, tell me why do you say that Jesus is a “High Priest”? I could understand “prophet” maybe. But “priest”?


Christian, tell me why do you believe that God is acting in human history? There are always wars and conflicts, and the winners aren’t always the good guys. Who says that God has anything to do with it?

Holy God, Holy People

Christian, tell me why do you say that God is “holy”? What do you mean by that?


Christian, tell me why are you so confident about your hope in Christ? The things we hope for don’t always come to pass, after all!

Husbands and Wives

Christian, tell me why are wives supposed to submit or “be subject” to their husbands? Why aren’t they equal?


Christian, tell me why are you such a hypocrite? You think you’re better than everyone else. But I see you doing all the things you condemn in others!


Christian, tell me why do you say that our identity comes from God?

Image of God

Christian, tell me why do you say that people are created “in the image of God”?

In Christ

Christian, tell me why do you say that you are “in Christ”? What does that mean?

In Jesus’ Name

Christian, tell me why do you always end your prayers with “in Jesus’ name”?


I have always found it easier to accept God’s infinite power than His infinite love. Power is obvious in Creation. But love? That seems too good to be true, but the Bible insists that it IS true. This prayer is my response of praise to Him.

Individually Responsible

Christian, tell me why you say that everyone is “individually responsible”? Some have lots of advantages, while others are very dis-advantaged.

Infinitely Valuable

Christian, tell me why do you think that everyone is “infinitely valuable”? Some contribute much more to the world than others!

Intimacy of God

Christian, tell me why do you think that God is close to us? You talk about how big and holy and majestic He is. Isn’t it contradicting yourself to say that He is also close by each individual person?

Jealous God

Christian, tell me why does the Bible say that God is “jealous”? Isn’t jealousy a bad thing?

Jesus, God’s Word

Christian, tell me why do you refer to Jesus as the “Word” of God?

Jesus, Only Jesus

Christian, tell me why you are so insistent on Jesus as the only answer? There is always more than one route to a destination!

Jesus: God AND Man

Christian, tell me why do you say that Jesus is both God and Man? Which is it? Why does it matter?

Jesus’ Amazing Courage

Christian, tell me why do you say that Jesus was brave? That’s not a description I hear very often.

Jesus’ Enemies

Christian, tell me why did people want to kill Jesus? He was a peaceful man who taught others to be loving and kind. What was wrong with that?

Jesus’ Yoke

Christian, tell me why does Jesus talk about his “yoke”? What does He mean?


The Conquest of Canaan

Judgment, Hell, and Heaven

Christian, tell me why do you insist on talking about some big scary Judgment Day? We can’t know what will happen, so as long as we sincerely try, we should be OK, shouldn’t we? And why keeping “harping” on heaven-in-the-clouds-with-angels, or shouting about fire and brimstone in hell?

Just Enough

Christian, tell me why do you say that we shouldn’t worry about money? Why shouldn’t I do my best to get ahead?

Just Passing Through

Christian, tell me why doesn’t life get you down as much as it does other people? How do you face problems without being crushed by them?

Keep the Faith

Christian, tell me why does the Bible say opposite things, that Jesus gives eternal life but that it is possible to then lose it?

Kingdom of God

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “Kingdom of God”? I don’t see any palaces or thrones being built!

Knowledge of Good and Evil

Christian, tell me why was it so bad for Adam and Eve to eat a piece of fruit? It hardly seems to warrant getting kicked out and sentenced to death!

Lamb of God

Christian, tell me why do you call Jesus the “Lamb of God”?

Light of the World

Christian, tell me why do you call Jesus “the Light of the World”? What does that mean?

Living Water

Christian, tell me why did Jesus say He was the source of “Living Water”? What is meant by that?

Looking Back, Looking Forward

New Year’s Day is a good opportunity to evaluate the past year, and its effect on us. It is also a chance to decide how we want to approach the coming year so that we grow toward the goal of becoming the person God designed us to be.

Lost and Found

Christian, tell me why do you say that non-Christians are “lost”?

Love Your Enemies

Christian, tell me why didn’t Jesus hate the people who rejected and crucified him? If he is God, he should have just hurled lightning bolts and destroyed them!

Mary’s Testimony

I wrote this in Christmas of 2019 for no particular reason. I just kind of like writing monologues. Maybe this is something like how Mary felt before her first Christmas.


Christian, tell me why do you think that Jesus is the Messiah? What does “Messiah” mean, anyway?

Missing Papaw

I wrote this over forty years ago, when my grandfather passed away. It was my first experience of death that close to me. At first, it seemed a bit personal to post on this site. But I decided that it’s real, and someone out there may identify with the feelings.

Music in Worship

Christian, tell me why do some church groups sing new “praise choruses” while other sing old-fashioned hymns? Why do some use organ and piano accompaniment, others use drums and guitars, and others use none at all? What are the Bible’s instructions?

Mustard-Seed Faith

Christian, tell me why do you think that your faith in God is sufficient? How do you know that you are believing hard enough?

Names of God

Christian, tell me why is God called by so many names? God, Father, Lord, lots of different Hebrew words. Why not pick one and stick with it?

Narrow vs. Wide Way

Christian, tell me why did Jesus talk about a “narrow way” and a “wide way”? What did He mean?

Not Me, But God

This is my prayer for this website, and for everything I do.


Wandering in the Wilderness


Christian, tell me why do you say that God cares for outcasts as much as He does for the most religious people?

Palm Sunday

Christian, tell me why do you celebrate Palm Sunday the week before Easter? What does it mean?

Pearls Before Swine

Christian, tell me why did Jesus talk about throwing “pearls before swine”? What are the pearls, and who are the swine?


Christian, tell me why only perfection is acceptable to God? Why will He send even a good person to Hell for one little sin? Why can’t He understand that we’re only human?


Christian, tell me why do you use the term “Pharisee” as derogatory? What does it mean?

Pharoah’s Daughter

I was in a seminar on writing monologues to go along with worship services. We were instructed to choose an obscure Bible character, and write from their perspective. Pharoah’s daughter, who raised Moses, gets a whole five verses (Exodus 2:5-10). This is my take on what might have happened after those verses.

Power in the Blood

Christian, tell me why do you talk so much about blood? That’s gruesome!

Predestined, Elect, Chosen, or Hardened?

Christian, tell me why do you say that you were predestined to be one of the elect, special chosen ones? That seems awfully arrogant. It also makes it seem like no one has a real choice whether to become a
Christian or not.

Promised Land

Christian, tell me why do you talk and sing about “crossing the river” to the “Promised Land”?


Christian, tell me why do you talk about something called “Rapture”? What does that mean?


Christian, tell me why do you talk about “redemption” or “being redeemed” or Jesus as your “Redeemer”? What do you mean by the word “redeem”?

Religion vs. Relationship

Christian, tell me why is Christianity different from any other religion? They all are just sets of rules and regulations to follow in order to be considered “acceptable”. What makes your to-do list any better than anyone else’s?


How would what Lazarus experienced affect his perspective on the events that followed?

Resurrection Importance

Christian, tell me why the Resurrection is so important to you? What difference does it make?

Resurrection: Fact

Christian, tell me why do you believe in the resurrection? Why do you accept such an un-natural event as an historical fact?

Reverse Contamination

Christian, tell me why does the Bible talk about “clean” vs. “unclean”? And what does Jesus have to do with it?

Rock of Ages

Christian, tell me why do you refer to God as a rock? You sing songs like “Rock of Ages” and “On Christ, the Solid Rock”. What do you mean by those?




Christian, tell me why do you think that Sunday should be a special day? Why treat one day different from the others?

Salt and Light

Christian, tell me why do you call yourself “salt” or “light”? What is meant by that?

Saved, Savior, Salvation

Christian, tell me why do you refer to Jesus as your “Savior” and ask people whether they are “saved”? Saved from what?

Second Coming and Millennium

Christian, tell me why do you expect a Second Coming of Jesus? It’s been over 2000 years. Get over it: He’s like all the other legends and never coming back!


Christian, tell me why you feel so secure? Why don’t you worry about the future? How do you know that everything will be all right?


Christian, tell me why are you so self-righteous? What makes you think that you’re better than anyone else?

Shades of Belief

Christian, tell me why do you insist that belief in Jesus is so important? Some people don’t believe in God; others believe in God but not Jesus. What difference does it make?

Simply Obey

Christian, tell me why should I do as God says? What if He asks me to do something weird?

Sin: Missing the Mark

Christian, tell me why do you keep saying that people are all sinners? Sure, there are plenty of sins, but not everyone commits them.

So Much More

Christian, tell me why do you think that Christianity is so much more than all of the world’s other religions?

Son of Man

Christian, tell me why did Jesus refer to himself as the “Son of Man”? Was he claiming to be simply a man?

Sovereignty of God

Christian, tell me why do you talk about the “sovereignty” of God? What does that mean?

Still A Great Country

This Independence Day, let’s all thank God for our country and its Constitution. Let’s also commit to living within that framework that has made the United States a leader in freedom and innovation for 246 years.


Christian, tell me why do you use that strange word “tabernacle”? It’s just a church building like any other, isn’t it?

Ten Commandments

Christian, tell me why are the Ten Commandments so important?

The Bible, God’s Word

Christian, tell me why do you believe that the Bible is God’s word? Wasn’t it written by men just like any other book? Didn’t humans make the choice of which writings were and were not “Scripture”?

The Church, the Body of Christ

Christian, tell me why do you insist on going to church? I can meet God anywhere, like by myself in the woods or when watching a sunset, can’t I?

The Generation Who Sees the End

Christian, tell me why did Jesus say that His listeners would see the end of time? Obviously, they didn’t! Did He lie, or was He wrong?

The God Who Sees

Christian, tell me why is God called “the God Who Sees”? What is special about seeing?

The Good Samaritan

Christian, why do we call someone who does a good deed a “Good Samaritan”? Where does the term come from?

The Jews, God’s Chosen People

Christian, tell me why do you say that the Jews are “chosen” by God? What makes them so special? Why are they always at the center of so much conflict?

The Soul Goes On

Christian, tell me why do you believe that anything about us persists after we die?

The Stone’s Story

This is a story I wrote for Easter, many years ago. It was fun thinking from the different perspective. It may be my favorite of everything I’ve written.

Thee, Thou, and Thy — Oh, My!

Christian, tell me why does the Bible talk in such formal, old-fashioned language? What’s with all the “thee’s” and “thou’s”?

Three Rules for a Good Life

Christian, tell me why do you try to follow God’s rules? Don’t they take all the fun out of life?

Tithes and Offerings

Christian, tell me why churches are always talking about money? Are they just greedy, or do they expect people to buy their way into favor with God?

To Drink or Not to Drink

Christian, tell me why do some Christians say that drinking is wrong, while others are OK with it?

Tribulation: Anti-Christ and Babylon

Christian, tell me why do you talk about someone called the “Anti-Christ”? Who is this big, bad person we’re supposed to be afraid of? And what’s up with Babylon? Why is that ancient empire coming up again?